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Pazzano is a small town in the valley of Stilaro between Mount Consolino and Mount Mammicomito, in the Bourbon period it was one of the most important iron mining centre in south Italy.

The most important landmarks are the church of  Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo ( the Assumption) where remarkable wooden sculptures are kept, a canvas dating XIX c. By Frangipane and 4 canvases, representing the evangelists dating the beginning of XX century, the fountain of the miners, used by the miners when they were thirsty and by farmers, the openings of the old mines.

Another remarkable place of interest is the convent of Santa Maria della Stella where a marble sculpture replaced an old orthodox icon .  The sculpture of the Madonna della Stella, dating 1562 was probably sculpted by Gagini and was always considered miraculous.

In the church there is also a painting representing the Immacultate Conception an a byzantine fresco representing Santa Maria Egiziaca receiving the holy host from a monk, the fresco dates X-XI century.

Inside the grotto there are also paintings representing the Trinity, Saint Michael the archangel and a Pieta’.

Photo by Danilo Franco